Our Services

Expedited Processing

We understand the urgency of restoring your credit, which is why we prioritize expedited processing. Our streamlined approach ensures that you receive prompt and efficient service, allowing you to see results sooner.

Fresh Start Profile

Our ultimate objective is to help you create a clean credit profile that opens doors to new opportunities. Whether you're applying for a loan, renting an apartment, or seeking employment, a fresh start will put you on the path to financial success.

Continued Monitoring

We believe in the long-term success of our clients. That's why we provide 12 months of comprehensive profile monitoring. This extended period allows us to identify and address any new negative items that may appear on your credit report, ensuring that your progress remains on track.

Inquiries Mini Course

Inquiries can have a significant impact on your credit score. Our exclusive inquiries mini course equips you with the knowledge and strategies needed to manage and minimize the impact of inquiries on your credit profile. You'll gain valuable insights that can make a real difference in your creditworthiness.

Guidance on New Credit

Applying for new credit cards strategically is key to building a positive credit history. Our expert team provides personalized guidance on the best sequence to follow when applying for your first 2-4 cards. This guidance maximizes your chances of approval and sets you up for long-term credit success.

Coaching & Assistance with Avoiding Negative Items

Our experienced team is dedicated to helping you overcome the challenges presented by negative items on your credit report. We provide one-on-one coaching and expert assistance in the removal of collections, charge-offs, late payments, inquiries, repossessions, bankruptcies, judgments, liens, child support, student loans, and any other negative items identified during the monitoring process.